Hopefully everyone had a great holiday break and hopefully everyone was able to take advantage of some down time to recharge and re-energize. Take a few moments to read the short blog post below on Character Education Partnership's blog in regard to gratitude in education:
"Nothing in education puts a bigger ceiling on learning than limiting kids to what’s in the textbook. We live in the age of iPads, Google, and Skype. To the learner that wants to know more, do more, and explore more, the opportunities are there. We just have to think outside the book." via @mcleod
Protect your dreams... protect your students' dreams. (2 minutes)
Working together toward a shared and common goal couldn't be more important than it is now...
Consider how you respond when a student or a colleague says, "yeah, but..."
"The No Complaining Rule" ~ 2 minute video (try not to be like this guy...)